So who really gives a ____?

the sandyman
1 min readMay 21, 2021

Take look around we have one party in Washington whom is trying to erase anything that happened on 1/6. While at the same time continuing on both a state and federal level to SUPPORT the big lie on voter fraud by looking for bamboo traces in paper, feeding chickens peaces of ballots then burning the chickens now, taking voting machines away like thrives in the night to do what??.

The republicans don't want fair and honest elections why? Maybe they can’t win honestly or maybe they only want their kind voting for them?? After all if you don’t like who wins replace the winner with your loser.

The party that supports police won’t even admit their was anything bad happening 1/6 after all according to really stupid republican it was just a normal day with families have picnics while what cheering on the death of people.

This underlying bigotry and republican cowards is not about our nation its not about anything more the bigotry, greed so what can be done?

The real America needs to say something we need to voice peacefully our shame and, disgusting and as its been said “ Pay attention to what they say then watch what they do”.


